Introduction of Electron Beam Welding Machine

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  • Introduction of Electron Beam Welding Machine

Introduction of Electron Beam Welding Machine

R&D Info

01. 2021

As we introduced the case of using EBW (Electron beam welding) before, we would like to announce it once again.

EBW is a welder machine which generates the electric beam in ultra-high vacuums environment and utilize the energy of collision.

Recently we used EBW for rounding Nb(niobium) plate and forming the pipe.

EBW has roughly six features:

1. Less heat input with the minimum of welding distortion for products.

2. Easy to weld the difficult materials such as Ti (Titanium), Mo (Molybdenum), Nb ( Niobium).

3. Connect different type of metals and weld the thick plates.

4. Prevent the oxidation by the base materials.

5. Weld the micro and thin plates.

6. Weld even the target material is apart from another one.  (Also possible to weld complicated shape if the beam can reach it.)

EBW can be utilized widely for such as trial development, products and development research.

Please feel free to contact us.

(Written by Suzuki, Aqua Neuron)

Previous Article of our company (EBW)


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